COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Consultation has concluded

Vaccine Hesitancy Research Results 

Vaccine Hesitancy EngageMB Survey Results

One million vaccinations have now been administered in Manitoba. This represents about two-thirds of eligible Manitobans who have received at least one dose of vaccine. That is a significant accomplishment and we thank the many Manitobans who have done their part and already rolled up their sleeve to take part in this historic immunization campaign.

The vaccine is one tool we can use to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. If we all get immunized, we can protect ourselves, protect our families and protect Manitoba.

Vaccine Hesitancy Research Results 

Vaccine Hesitancy EngageMB Survey Results

One million vaccinations have now been administered in Manitoba. This represents about two-thirds of eligible Manitobans who have received at least one dose of vaccine. That is a significant accomplishment and we thank the many Manitobans who have done their part and already rolled up their sleeve to take part in this historic immunization campaign.

The vaccine is one tool we can use to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. If we all get immunized, we can protect ourselves, protect our families and protect Manitoba.

A Million Thanks

It’s an incredible milestone in the fight against COVID-19: Manitoba has given 1 million doses of vaccine. We could not have done it without the support of our vaccine clinic staff, the Vaccine Implementation Task Force and the hundreds of thousands of Manitobans who rolled up their sleeves to help #ProtectMB

Tell us your #1MThanksMB story - Is there someone who helped encourage you to get vaccinated? An experience at the clinic you want to celebrate? Another reason to say "Thank you!" for vaccines and the Manitoba vaccination program? Share it here, and we'll share it with Manitobans.

Thank you for sharing your #1MThanksMB #ProtectMB story with us.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Brandon is Best

    by robwoy, over 3 years ago
    Thank you to all the staff at the Brandon super site! Absolutely amazing service and kind workers who made us feel safe and appreciated! Thank you all so much!
  • RBC Convention Center

    by nguyennguyen, over 3 years ago

    I got my first shot of Pfizer vaccine in the beginning of May at RBC Convention Centre. Most of the members of my family got the first vaccine shots except one person who just received the second dose of Pfizer vaccine on July 18th. I was impressed by the whole process of Covid-19 Vaccination Program at RBC because everyone worked according to an order and organized system. They guided me to follow a chain of the right process when I came here. I did not feel embarrassed when I firstly come there to get a first vaccine. I... Continue reading

  • The lady who stood with my daughter!

    by Ubjess, over 3 years ago
    I would love to thank all staff at the RBC vaccine clinic! In particular I would
    Like to give a shout out to the lady who stood beside my daughter to give her some love and comfort as she was nervous to get her shot. Her kindness means so much as I am currently in hospital and I was unable to be there. Thank you is not enough. :)
  • I’m Impressed!

    by Pann, over 3 years ago
    I have now had both shots of the vaccine, both done at RBC in Winnipeg. It was a great experience both times, from start to finish. The staff and volunteers were friendly, helpful, efficient and knowleageable and the shots in the arm were painless and done very quickly. I was impressed by the smooth running of the whole setup, logistically. Thank you and thanks to all the others who are getting the vaccine to help protect Manitoba.
  • Well done

    by Charles1, over 3 years ago
    We had both of our vaccines at the Brandon Keystone Centre Supersite. It was so well run. The staff were very helpful in getting people in for their vaccines and were extremely friendly. It was it was professional, painless and so much easier than we had even anticipated.

    Well done everyone!

  • My Morden Covid-19 shot experience.

    by Casalibus, over 3 years ago

    There really isn't much of a story. I just understand that there is a pandemic and it is better to put my criticisms away and participate in any way that I can. It is a small part, but the solution for overcoming this pandemic lies in all of us doing our part; taking responsibility. To do nothing would be to give in, to let depression or a conspiracy theory rule the day. And, thanks to all who have put in the effort.

    Also, I want to mention how smoothly the whole process was: in and out with very little wait... Continue reading

  • Happy tears ❤

    by Annie B, over 3 years ago
    After everything we have all been through the past 15 months, I'am most grateful for our Frontline Healthcare workers & volunteers.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    You are truly our heroes!

    Yes, I'am double vaxxed & have happy tears ♡

    Both experience ran smoothly at the RBC.

  • Selkirk super site Clinic

    by Vacinated, over 3 years ago
    I would like to give a big Thankyou to all the staff at Selkirk Supersite. They were all very professional, and helpful with no long line ups. We can proudly say we have had both our vaccinations done there and are now fully vaccinate.
  • Dauphin Super Site Shout Out!

    by Sandi Hess, over 3 years ago

    I want to say a special thanks to everyone at the Dauphin Super Site. The entire process was so efficient from when we pulled into the parking lot to when we walked out the back door. My family got our first doses and the nurses involved were awesome. My son is 12 years old and was nervous. The nurse was making jokes while explaining the importance of vaccinations and what was going to happen at his appointment. I really appreciated it. There was one thing she said to him that really resonated with me and it was when she asked... Continue reading

  • Brandon Super Centre

    by Rod Atkinson, over 3 years ago
    I couldn't find anything negative to say about this facility. This whole setup is extremely organized and flows perfectly. I very seldom ever leave reviews but I felt that this one to be necessary as it makes me feel proud of our healthcare system and how it can come through when things get tough.