Dauphin Super Site Shout Out!
I want to say a special thanks to everyone at the Dauphin Super Site. The entire process was so efficient from when we pulled into the parking lot to when we walked out the back door. My family got our first doses and the nurses involved were awesome. My son is 12 years old and was nervous. The nurse was making jokes while explaining the importance of vaccinations and what was going to happen at his appointment. I really appreciated it. There was one thing she said to him that really resonated with me and it was when she asked if he knew why he was there. She said " You're here to save a life. It may be yours or it may be somone elses but you are doing a good thing. Thank you." He felt proud after that. So thank you again for all the work you all do for our community! Your impact is more than you realize.❤
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