COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Consultation has concluded

Vaccine Hesitancy Research Results 

Vaccine Hesitancy EngageMB Survey Results

One million vaccinations have now been administered in Manitoba. This represents about two-thirds of eligible Manitobans who have received at least one dose of vaccine. That is a significant accomplishment and we thank the many Manitobans who have done their part and already rolled up their sleeve to take part in this historic immunization campaign.

The vaccine is one tool we can use to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. If we all get immunized, we can protect ourselves, protect our families and protect Manitoba.

Vaccine Hesitancy Research Results 

Vaccine Hesitancy EngageMB Survey Results

One million vaccinations have now been administered in Manitoba. This represents about two-thirds of eligible Manitobans who have received at least one dose of vaccine. That is a significant accomplishment and we thank the many Manitobans who have done their part and already rolled up their sleeve to take part in this historic immunization campaign.

The vaccine is one tool we can use to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. If we all get immunized, we can protect ourselves, protect our families and protect Manitoba.

A Million Thanks

It’s an incredible milestone in the fight against COVID-19: Manitoba has given 1 million doses of vaccine. We could not have done it without the support of our vaccine clinic staff, the Vaccine Implementation Task Force and the hundreds of thousands of Manitobans who rolled up their sleeves to help #ProtectMB

Tell us your #1MThanksMB story - Is there someone who helped encourage you to get vaccinated? An experience at the clinic you want to celebrate? Another reason to say "Thank you!" for vaccines and the Manitoba vaccination program? Share it here, and we'll share it with Manitobans.

Thank you for sharing your #1MThanksMB #ProtectMB story with us.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Thank you so much

    by Chantel S, over 3 years ago

    Thank you SO much for your hard work and your wonderful disposition. You are all so kind and thoughtful! Please know how much you are appreciated❤️

  • Kudos to all involved

    by 204_CALM, over 3 years ago
    It’s not even the end of July and my entire family is fully vaccinated. Thank you to all involved with the vaccine roll out here in MB. I’ve been to the pop up on Notre Dame & RBC and both clinics were running like well oiled machines. Very organized, efficient and to top it off every one was friendly. I am so proud the we as a province has turned our situation around. Great job everyone!!!
  • Steinbach site nurse

    by Steve O, over 3 years ago
    I had the most incredible experience at the Steinbach vaccine site this week-end! I think if any of you have met the nurse named Pam there, you should give her a shout out on here too! Not only is she amazing at giving needles, she is super funny and calming to anyone with anxiety about the whole thing. She is so great with people. Just an overall warm and kind person, with one hell of a wit! Good on you Pam, and many thanks to you!
  • Excellent job at Steinbach

    by Renu Sivarajah, over 3 years ago

    I booked my second dose vaccination and my appointment was at 12:50 p.m on 26th June. I was surprised to see how organized the team of workers were. I was vaccinated exactly at 12:50 p.m. I never had any other appointment worked out in such a manner. They were fast and polite. Definitely a job well done.

    I was born in Sri Lanka and did my first two degrees in India. I had to carry what was called "health card and it was compulsory to get small pox vaccination but during my final year WHO announced that they have succeeded... Continue reading

  • Thank you Thank you Thank you

    by Mamaslz, over 3 years ago
    I had my first Pfizer shot April 10, along with my husband. When we heard that we would be going to the RBC site we were a little apprehensive. . Only because it was downtown,a big building and parking might have been a problem , being a long walk, and we thought it would be so busy. To our pleasant surprize, we got to park right outside the building, walking into the building, we found it completely organized, ,help was provided at every turn and no waiting in lineups of any kind.

    The whole process was very organized and easy... Continue reading

  • A million thanks!

    by Nanaz, over 3 years ago
    I am a senior and also diabetic so I was anxiously waiting for my turn to get the vaccine. I had both my shots at the Keystone Center in Brandon and can’t say enough about my positive experiences there. People were professional, friendly and very efficient. Hats off to the workers and volunteers for running things so smoothly.
  • Definitely worth it

    by CallieCat, over 3 years ago
    To be fair i do not like needles in the slightest but this was by far the most painless needles i have ever gotten and the staff at the super-site were just incredible and made it so much easier to adjust and the fact that paramedics were on site and that they were all trained nurses made me feel even more safe
  • Didn’t hurt at all

    by Makemebetter73, over 3 years ago
    What organization, security was excellent, the folks who asked questions before we got sent somewhere else, the people who called out the numbers, the folks who tidied up the check in sites before going into place for needles, EVERYONE.

    I who don’t do needles, got a nurse Faith, who talked with me for a few seconds and then said okay your done. I replied thank you, you are very good at needle giving. Made my experience memorable. THANKS TO ALL who made this vaccine experience pleasan.

  • 3rd times the charm - thanks Bob and Rosie

    by Anikah, over 3 years ago

    I just want to share how amazing Bob and Rosie were last night July 4th at RBC. It was my third attempt to get the vaccine as I have major phobia of needles and very bad anxiety. The first two times I left crying and upset but I was lucky enough to have Bob, Rosie and my mom by my side. Even though I was calm (as Bob had said) l was very anxious and emotional and ended in tears, but Bob and Rosie were patient and as a team they were able to give me the vaccine while in... Continue reading

  • Vaccine Best Experience

    by NekoP, over 3 years ago
    I just want to say thank you to the volunteers and cops and nurses who made me felt safe when I got my shot when I got mine in may and July when I got my last shot I cried a bit because I did it for my family so I can finally see them in person and hug them and the love of travel because losing your family from covid last year till now its sucks but I know w we go back to a normal I miss going to anime conventions comic cons and that sort in winnipeg... Continue reading