National Public Service Week 2021 - Recognition and Resilience

Consultation has concluded

Kudos for Colleagues - Celebrating Public Service Excellence

French to follow.

This is a forum where we celebrate our colleagues and our wins at work - big and small, life-changing and day-changing, where we focus on the big picture but also on the smaller-scale successes that drive us. Have an Extraordinary Act of Public Service to share? Want to recognize a colleague for something minor or major? Please share the things, the people, and the projects you are proud of here. 

Want to let someone know you posted, or celebrate their achievement on social media? Click the social media buttons in the upper right-hand corner of your post and share away, on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or by email!

Guidelines for posting;

1) Remember not to include any personal information or health information about the individuals you're recognizing.

2) Try and give specific examples of what the person did, but if you want to thank them just for being awesome, that's okay too!

3) Keep in mind that while this is a private forum which is internal to government, it can be accessed from outside government and does not require a government email address to log on.

4) Items posted on this board should be considered public, as they can be shared to social media. Remember the social media policy when posting. 

Félicitons nos collègues – Soulignons l’excellence de la fonction publique

Nous vous invitons à participer à un forum où nous célébrons nos collègues et nos victoires au travail – petites et grandes, marquantes pour la vie, inspirantes au quotidien – et où nous nous attachons non seulement à nos réalisations d’ensemble mais aussi aux succès à petite échelle qui nous animent. Vous voulez faire connaître un service public extraordinaire? Vous souhaitez souligner une grande ou petite chose qu’un collège a accomplie? Nous vous donnons l’occasion de parler ici de choses, de gens et de projets pour lesquels vous ressentez de la fierté.

Vous voulez faire savoir à quelqu’un que vous avez affiché ou souligné ses réalisations sur les réseaux sociaux? Cliquez sur les icônes des réseaux sociaux dans le coin supérieur droit de votre publication et partagez celle-ci sur Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn ou par courriel!

Lignes directrices sur les publications

1) N’oubliez pas que vous ne devez pas inclure de renseignements personnels ou de renseignements médicaux concernant les personnes dont vous reconnaissez la contribution.

2) Essayez de donner des exemples précis de ce que la personne a accompli; toutefois, si vous voulez simplement la remercier parce qu’elle est géniale, c’est bien aussi!

3) Rappelez-vous qu’il s’agit d’un forum privé qui est utilisé en interne au gouvernement, mais qu’une personne de l’extérieur du gouvernement peut y avoir accès sans utiliser une adresse électronique gouvernementale.

4) Les éléments publiés sur ce forum doivent être considérés comme publics, car ils peuvent être partagés sur les réseaux sociaux. N’oubliez pas de respecter la politique des médias sociaux (en anglais seulement) lorsque vous publiez des messages.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. We hope that recognizing a colleague helped you feel amazing!

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    over 3 years ago

    Allyson Demski (Plans Coordinator) has been coordinating our weekly Manitoba Emergency Coordination Centre (MECC) COVID-19, which updates the briefing and shares information in the meeting (involving all departments and a number of external partners including 5-7 federal departments) for the past 6 months. Allyson is coordinating the effort to collect inputs for the weekly COVID-19 situation report that she then writes and disseminates. This task has become routine for her but is certainly no small feat, freeing others to pursue work in other priority areas.

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    by Michelle, over 3 years ago

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    over 3 years ago

    I want to recognize Stephanie Loewen for her amazing leadership as Executive Director, but also for the fantastic Teams channel her team has created, called PPL Pets! Thanks to her idea we are all able to share our pets annoying us throughout the workday. Here's a particularly adorable picture (all right, that is my cat) to brighten up your day!

  • EngageMB Wizard - Rachel Macdonald

    over 3 years ago

    I'd like to give a shoutout to Rachel Macdonald, who, in addition to being generally awesome, helped me massively in developing this EngageMB engagement for giving Kudos to our Colleagues! I'd like her to be the first one to receive kudos.