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Helping business/stakeholders navigate public health orders

When we tapped Greg Kristalovich to lead the EDJ COVID-19 Stakeholder Response Unit (SRU), none of us fully appreciated the tremendous amount of work that role would entail. The SRU responds to questions and concerns from businesses and business groups related to current public health orders. The role requires careful coordination with Public Health, Legal, MGI and Enforcement teams to ensure our public messaging is accurate and consistent. It also requires incredibly well-honed communication skills, political acumen, attention to detail and patience (lots of patience!). Throughout it all, Greg has demonstrated professionalism, leadership, and commitment both to his role as a civil servant and also the business and stakeholders we serve. And personally, he regularly brightens my day with his great sense of humour (even in the face of the essential items list!)

Consultation has concluded

CarlyJ over 3 years ago
I second this. Greg is doing a great (and incredibly tough) job!