Engaging Manitoba’s Agriculture Industry

Consultation has concluded

Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development recently hosted two engagement events, an online survey on Engage MB and a virtual Pre-Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Minister Industry meeting. The What We Heard Reports from both these events, The Next Policy Framework - Setting Our Priorities and the Ministerial Pre-Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting Industry Engagement are now available. The reports reflect the diversity of comments and feedback we have received.

At the upcoming September 2021 Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers of Agriculture meeting the Next Policy Framework priorities will be finalized and Manitoba will sign the Guelph statement. Prior to this important meeting we want to ensure that you have an opportunity to review the what we heard reports and let us know if we missed anything.

We want to know additional ideas or considerations that we need to be aware of prior to Manitoba signing the Guelph statement.

What We Heard Report: The Next Policy Framework - Setting our Priorities

What We Heard Report: The Ministerial Pre-Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting Industry Engagement

This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact wendy.carnegie@gov.mb.ca.

Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development recently hosted two engagement events, an online survey on Engage MB and a virtual Pre-Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Minister Industry meeting. The What We Heard Reports from both these events, The Next Policy Framework - Setting Our Priorities and the Ministerial Pre-Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting Industry Engagement are now available. The reports reflect the diversity of comments and feedback we have received.

At the upcoming September 2021 Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers of Agriculture meeting the Next Policy Framework priorities will be finalized and Manitoba will sign the Guelph statement. Prior to this important meeting we want to ensure that you have an opportunity to review the what we heard reports and let us know if we missed anything.

We want to know additional ideas or considerations that we need to be aware of prior to Manitoba signing the Guelph statement.

What We Heard Report: The Next Policy Framework - Setting our Priorities

What We Heard Report: The Ministerial Pre-Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting Industry Engagement

This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact wendy.carnegie@gov.mb.ca.

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    Business Risk Management (BRM) programs are important tools that help producers manage their risk. For the past two years, Federal and Provincial governments have been exploring changes, as producer feedback has suggested that existing programming is not effective for some sectors.  This is an ongoing dialogue we hope to continue in order to ensure future changes are aligned with both producers needs but also with government mandates and financial commitments.  

    What type of BRM programming will accelerate investment and innovation in the industry?

  • Resiliency

    almost 4 years ago
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    COVID-19 impacted all Manitobans in different ways.  It also taught us how a global crisis can impact our entire food supply chain.  Many in our sector have pivoted their business, charted a path forward and discovered new ways to work in a changing world.  COVID-19 highlighted the need to increase the sector’s resilience to emergencies or mass disruptions, whether due to pandemics, climate events or trade barriers.

    What actions and policy were effective and what do we need now to ensure that our sector continues to be resilient in the face of future disruptions or crisis?

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    Innovation is becoming increasingly ingrained into the agriculture and agri-food sector. Technology has the capacity to prepare for and mitigate risk, address labour shortages, improve animal health and welfare and build increased sustainability into our sector. We seek to work with industry to build our sectors capacity through the use of Ag Action Manitoba programs. We are proud to have been able to fund projects that focus on building and capturing the value from innovation in our sector and fostering partnerships between industry and educational institutions to ensure we have the skills training required for our future workforce.

    Where should we focus future policy and programming to ensure our industry has access to the technology and work force required for continued resiliency, sustainability and risk mitigation?

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    Manitoba’s agriculture industry continues to be export driven and we want to ensure that our producers and processors have continued access to current and new market opportunities. Capturing these opportunities may require us to think beyond the sale and movement of goods but also consider the role public trust, innovation, infrastructure, climate change and technology play.  

    How has the recent pandemic shed light on hurdles or process changes we need to consider when looking at strengthening our market opportunities or reducing risks associated with those market opportunities?