The purpose of this project is to prepare a design concept to convert the TransCanada Highway (PTH 1) from two lanes to four lanes from 5km west of PR 301 to the Manitoba - Ontario boundary. This project has a number of key objectives:
Improve highway safety and reliability;
Complete the four-laning of PTH 1 across Manitoba;
Increase highway capacity for the busy summer travel season;
Separate users of the Whiteshell Provincial Park from traffic on PTH 1;
Improve the Whiteshell Provincial Park experience for visitors; and
Improve a key national trade route.
This conceptual design study will take approximately three years to complete. The study will be carried out in two important phases. First, the Project Team will identify high level route corridor alternatives. Second, the Project Team will prepare more specific alignment alternatives within the preferred corridors and select a preferred option from among them. The preferred option will include conceptual interchange and grade separation designs. Study decision-making will be informed by both technical studies and feedback obtained throughout the process.
Community Meetings
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure has been meeting with Indigenous Rights Holders and stakeholders since July 2023 to introduce the project and collect initial feedback. Following these meetings, the Project Team developed route corridor alternatives. We are now asking participants to provide further input on the proposed alternatives. Please review the materials below, which include corridor alternatives and evaluation criteria under consideration.
The purpose of this project is to prepare a design concept to convert the TransCanada Highway (PTH 1) from two lanes to four lanes from 5km west of PR 301 to the Manitoba - Ontario boundary. This project has a number of key objectives:
Improve highway safety and reliability;
Complete the four-laning of PTH 1 across Manitoba;
Increase highway capacity for the busy summer travel season;
Separate users of the Whiteshell Provincial Park from traffic on PTH 1;
Improve the Whiteshell Provincial Park experience for visitors; and
Improve a key national trade route.
This conceptual design study will take approximately three years to complete. The study will be carried out in two important phases. First, the Project Team will identify high level route corridor alternatives. Second, the Project Team will prepare more specific alignment alternatives within the preferred corridors and select a preferred option from among them. The preferred option will include conceptual interchange and grade separation designs. Study decision-making will be informed by both technical studies and feedback obtained throughout the process.
Community Meetings
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure has been meeting with Indigenous Rights Holders and stakeholders since July 2023 to introduce the project and collect initial feedback. Following these meetings, the Project Team developed route corridor alternatives. We are now asking participants to provide further input on the proposed alternatives. Please review the materials below, which include corridor alternatives and evaluation criteria under consideration.
The purpose of this phase of the project is to develop a PTH 1E Conceptual Design Study for twinning the 16-kilometre section of the Trans-Canada Highway from 5.0km west of PR 301 to the Ontario Boundary. At this stage in the project, we are specifically looking at potential corridors of land that could accommodate a future highway twinning, and that would connect with the work already being undertaken by Ontario on their side of the Manitoba-Ontario boundary.