COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Consultation has concluded

Vaccine Hesitancy Research Results 

Vaccine Hesitancy EngageMB Survey Results

One million vaccinations have now been administered in Manitoba. This represents about two-thirds of eligible Manitobans who have received at least one dose of vaccine. That is a significant accomplishment and we thank the many Manitobans who have done their part and already rolled up their sleeve to take part in this historic immunization campaign.

The vaccine is one tool we can use to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. If we all get immunized, we can protect ourselves, protect our families and protect Manitoba.

Vaccine Hesitancy Research Results 

Vaccine Hesitancy EngageMB Survey Results

One million vaccinations have now been administered in Manitoba. This represents about two-thirds of eligible Manitobans who have received at least one dose of vaccine. That is a significant accomplishment and we thank the many Manitobans who have done their part and already rolled up their sleeve to take part in this historic immunization campaign.

The vaccine is one tool we can use to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. If we all get immunized, we can protect ourselves, protect our families and protect Manitoba.

A Million Thanks

It’s an incredible milestone in the fight against COVID-19: Manitoba has given 1 million doses of vaccine. We could not have done it without the support of our vaccine clinic staff, the Vaccine Implementation Task Force and the hundreds of thousands of Manitobans who rolled up their sleeves to help #ProtectMB

Tell us your #1MThanksMB story - Is there someone who helped encourage you to get vaccinated? An experience at the clinic you want to celebrate? Another reason to say "Thank you!" for vaccines and the Manitoba vaccination program? Share it here, and we'll share it with Manitobans.

Thank you for sharing your #1MThanksMB #ProtectMB story with us.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • One momentous moment

    by Angela Carlson, over 3 years ago

    Once I found out I was eligible for the vaccine, I was excited - giddy - to be part of something bigger than myself, to take an action that affects not only me and my family but also my community. I eagerly anticipated my shot, knowing that it meant I get to hug my family sooner; I can visit friends abroad sooner; I can spend time with those I care about sooner, free of risk. As I watched my friends and family get vaccinated and then received the vaccine myself, slowly but surely the reality began to materialize before my... Continue reading

  • A Million Reasons

    over 3 years ago
    It may seem like a million days since the start of this pandemic, but thanks to the health care teams, the front line workers, the teachers, the students, the volunteers and the many more who helped by giving and getting their shot - a million thanks for making this seem like we're nearer to the end. There are a million reasons why Manitobans are great - hard working, honest, and perhaps too humble - but we're all one big family and in times like this we come together.

    A Million thanks from one Manitoban.
  • Baby steps to see my father again

    by Emily Mercado, over 3 years ago

    Last time I saw my father was right before pandemic blew up everywhere. That was Jan 2020. I remembered It was Chinese new year, I was stuck in the middle of chaos at Taiwan Int'l airport for my layover. So many people are traveling at that time due to long holiday and the spread of covid was starting. That was the start of the ordeal.

    Fast forward to now, thanks to the vaccine and the vaccine task force, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It may not be a huge leap but at... Continue reading

  • Such hard working staff who deserve respect

    by Missfa9, over 3 years ago
    My experience getting my vaccine at the RBC was fast, efficient, friendly and very impressive. Congratulations to all Manitobans who have worked, supported and most importantly rolled up for a shot. Volunteers, new staff, existing staff are all working so hard with extremely long days, no lunch breaks and standing on their feet all day/night to protect each other by getting us the vaccines. Thank you for all that you do. One memory that stands out to me is the last staff member who congratulates you on your vaccine, validates your parking and gives you a feedback card. She sounded... Continue reading
  • Overcoming the nerves

    by Glen C, over 3 years ago
    My wife was a little reluctant about the whole process, but the staff were so understanding and could quickly see she was nervous. They put her at ease, explained everything and we were in and out without any real issues. Thanks for understanding and taking such good care of her.
  • Supersite Superstars!

    over 3 years ago

    Over the last few months, I've been a volunteer navigator at the RBC COVID-19 Vaccine Supersite. The team there, from the greeters to the registration team to the informed consent providers, the immunizers and managers, are doing incredible work. THANK-YOU to everyone who is doing their part to get needles in arms and get us to the end of the pandemic.

  • The best shot

    by Leah, over 3 years ago
    Thank you to the teams delivering vaccine. I have an immunocompromised family member and I was hand washing groceries in my driveway in the March wind and cold and trying to imagine how we would get through this additional challenge. Two needles have given me more peace than I can begin to articulate. A MILLION thanks may not be enough for all of you.
  • An overwhelming sense of elation

    by nandJlischka, over 3 years ago

    I never would have thought that seeing my husband with a little round bandage on his arm, or being poked by a needle myself, or watching my son receive his first vaccination would bring me such elation, nearly to tears in fact.

    It was such an overwhelming sense of relief and also pride to know that we were all doing our part to keep each other and those around us safe as well as helping our health care system. It really was the least we could do considering all they have done and continue to do. Thank you to each... Continue reading

  • A bright light on a long pandemic journey

    by Matthew Cutler , over 3 years ago
    It's been a long 16 months - working hard to support Manitobans through the pandemic, missing friends and family, not being able to do the things I love.

    For a week in March I got to volunteer at the RBC supersite and help thousands of Manitobans get their COVID-19 vaccine.

    I'm so thankful for every person I met that week - that I helped get to their chair, that I talked through the process. The smiles on their face and the relief they expressed for getting the vaccine, their hope for a brighter future, is what has helped me through... Continue reading