Disaster Financial Assistance Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP)
Consultation has concluded
On March 26, 2020 the Manitoba government announced a new opportunity for municipalities to set aside funding for disaster mitigation programs in their communities while modernizing the Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) cost-sharing formula. The new Disaster Financial Assistance Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP) will allow municipalities to invest their municipal deductible into a mitigation or preparedness project when a Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program is established that is cost-shareable with Canada.
Provide Your Feedback
Municipalities are invited to provide feedback on the new Disaster Financial Assistance Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP). Your input will guide the development of the eligibility, evaluation criteria and administrative requirements for the program. We request your feedback by November 13, 2020.
View the presentation for background and context on the new Mitigation and Preparedness Program below.
PDF of Slides: Municipal Engagement - DFA Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP)
This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact mpp@gov.mb.ca.
PDF of Slides: Municipal Engagement - DFA Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP)
This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact mpp@gov.mb.ca.
Do you have questions about the new Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP)? Ask your question here.