Cottage Administration Modernization Project

NEW! What We Heard Report

Welcome to the Cottage Administration Modernization Project (CAMP)!

CAMP is a Manitoba government directive led by Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations (IRNR). IRNR is responsible for supporting healthy, safe and sustainable Indigenous communities, and cottage areas in Northern Manitoba including the management of trust funds on behalf of the cottage areas.

CAMP provides an opportunity for cottagers like you to help IRNR modernize the administration of cottage areas in Northern Manitoba, outside municipalities and parks. The administration of cottage areas in Northern Manitoba is challenging because there are several parallel programs under the jurisdiction of several departments. As a result of these challenges, CAMP will address issues such as inequality in taxes/levies, inconsistent service delivery and lack of a compliance mechanism for cottage administration in northern Manitoba.

Our goals are anchored on:

  • improving local governance;
  • streamlining service delivery processes;
  • efficient and fair cost recovery system; and
  • ensuring the cottage program is effective and sustainable for future generations.

To accomplish these goals, we plan to:

  • engage with cottage lot owners, cottage associations and businesses/utilities;
  • conduct a jurisdictional scan with other provinces; and
  • consult with relevant Manitoba government departments.

Participate in the online survey and stay informed by subscribing for project updates.

The project is scheduled for completion by spring 2023 with implementation starting in summer 2023.

This information is available in an alternate format upon request please contact:

NEW! What We Heard Report

Welcome to the Cottage Administration Modernization Project (CAMP)!

CAMP is a Manitoba government directive led by Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations (IRNR). IRNR is responsible for supporting healthy, safe and sustainable Indigenous communities, and cottage areas in Northern Manitoba including the management of trust funds on behalf of the cottage areas.

CAMP provides an opportunity for cottagers like you to help IRNR modernize the administration of cottage areas in Northern Manitoba, outside municipalities and parks. The administration of cottage areas in Northern Manitoba is challenging because there are several parallel programs under the jurisdiction of several departments. As a result of these challenges, CAMP will address issues such as inequality in taxes/levies, inconsistent service delivery and lack of a compliance mechanism for cottage administration in northern Manitoba.

Our goals are anchored on:

  • improving local governance;
  • streamlining service delivery processes;
  • efficient and fair cost recovery system; and
  • ensuring the cottage program is effective and sustainable for future generations.

To accomplish these goals, we plan to:

  • engage with cottage lot owners, cottage associations and businesses/utilities;
  • conduct a jurisdictional scan with other provinces; and
  • consult with relevant Manitoba government departments.

Participate in the online survey and stay informed by subscribing for project updates.

The project is scheduled for completion by spring 2023 with implementation starting in summer 2023.

This information is available in an alternate format upon request please contact: