Honey Bee and Honey Production Survey

Consultation has concluded

Image of bee hives

The information obtained from this survey is needed to develop accurate statistical information on Manitoba’s honey bee industry and to update the registry database with new beekeepers that purchased bees directly from a registered beekeeper in 2020. It is important the department receives responses from as many commercial beekeepers as possible to ensure the final estimates are accurate.

Honey Bee and Honey Production Survey 2020

Note: Printed copies of the survey will not be mailed this year. If you prefer to complete a paper copy, please download a PDF version the survey here. Send the completed survey to Rheal Lafrenière by email to Rheal.Lafreniere@gov.mb.ca or by text to 204-791-0124 with the subject title “Production Survey 2020”.

IMPORTANT: Reporting the sale of bees is a requirement under THE BEE ACT C.C.S.M c. B15, section 8 : Report of Sales

Every person who sells bees or beekeeping equipment to any person shall, upon request of the extension apiarist, within 30 days of the request provide the extension apiarist with the name and address of the person to whom and the quantities in which, the bees or beekeeping equipment were sold.

Please forward the list of name(s) and contact information of the people you sold honey bees to in 2020 to the Provincial Apiarist, Rhéal Lafrenière by email to Rheal.Lafreniere@gov.mb.ca, text: 204-791-0124 or Fax: 204-945-4327.

This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact Rheal.Lafreniere@gov.mb.ca.

Image of bee hives

The information obtained from this survey is needed to develop accurate statistical information on Manitoba’s honey bee industry and to update the registry database with new beekeepers that purchased bees directly from a registered beekeeper in 2020. It is important the department receives responses from as many commercial beekeepers as possible to ensure the final estimates are accurate.

Honey Bee and Honey Production Survey 2020

Note: Printed copies of the survey will not be mailed this year. If you prefer to complete a paper copy, please download a PDF version the survey here. Send the completed survey to Rheal Lafrenière by email to Rheal.Lafreniere@gov.mb.ca or by text to 204-791-0124 with the subject title “Production Survey 2020”.

IMPORTANT: Reporting the sale of bees is a requirement under THE BEE ACT C.C.S.M c. B15, section 8 : Report of Sales

Every person who sells bees or beekeeping equipment to any person shall, upon request of the extension apiarist, within 30 days of the request provide the extension apiarist with the name and address of the person to whom and the quantities in which, the bees or beekeeping equipment were sold.

Please forward the list of name(s) and contact information of the people you sold honey bees to in 2020 to the Provincial Apiarist, Rhéal Lafrenière by email to Rheal.Lafreniere@gov.mb.ca, text: 204-791-0124 or Fax: 204-945-4327.

This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact Rheal.Lafreniere@gov.mb.ca.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    All information collected in this survey is protected under the Freedom of Information Public Protection Act (FIPPA). At no time shall any personal information be made public. Prior to publication, all data will be summarized according to regional and/or provincial boundaries.

    Consultation has concluded