Functional Design of Highway 52

Consultation has concluded

New - What we Heard July 2021

Thank you to those who took part in the September 2020 public survey. Based on the feedback received in the What We Heard Report, we revised the former option 3 to create the approved final functional design. We are now seeking public feedback on the revised functional design to ensure we have captured any public concerns. We may make minor refinements to the design where necessary to address new concerns.

View the public engagement presentation material below.

link to public presentation

A high-resolution version of the functional design diagram can be found here: High-Resolution Map

This information is available in an alternate format upon request. Please email for additional information.

New - What we Heard July 2021

Thank you to those who took part in the September 2020 public survey. Based on the feedback received in the What We Heard Report, we revised the former option 3 to create the approved final functional design. We are now seeking public feedback on the revised functional design to ensure we have captured any public concerns. We may make minor refinements to the design where necessary to address new concerns.

View the public engagement presentation material below.

link to public presentation

A high-resolution version of the functional design diagram can be found here: High-Resolution Map

This information is available in an alternate format upon request. Please email for additional information.