Next Policy Framework – Setting Our Priorities
NEW - What We Heard Report
Building on previous engagements, we want to understand your thoughts on the priorities and future direction of Manitoba’s Agriculture and Agri-Food industry. This information will support preparation for the upcoming Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers of Agriculture meeting where NPF priorities and the policy statement will be set.
In previous engagements we have heard the importance of existing Ag Action MB priorities, including:
- markets and trade
- science, research and innovation
- risk management
- environmental sustainability and climate change
- value-added agriculture and agri-food processing
- public trust
However, we must also reflect on connections between those and new and emerging priorities in the agri-food sector.
We want to better understand:
- Your experiences with the Ag Action Manitoba program
- Your thoughts on existing Ag Action MB priority areas
- Your thoughts on new and emerging issues and opportunities in the sector
Survey responses were used to prepare a What We Heard Report detailing key takeaways.
Consultation has concluded