Phase One: Restoring Safe Services

Consultation has concluded

The first phase of Manitoba's response to COVID-19 pandemic has been reacting to the public health emergency by introducing increasingly restrictive measures to reduce the spread of the disease. We are now in a position to ease these restrictions and support economic recovery by taking measures to restore some services.

As more information becomes available and data on the current situation in Manitoba is analyzed, some measures may need to be reintroduced or new restrictions implemented to reduce any further spread of the virus.

Note: Visit Phase Two: Restoring Safe Services for current public health information. 

This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact

The first phase of Manitoba's response to COVID-19 pandemic has been reacting to the public health emergency by introducing increasingly restrictive measures to reduce the spread of the disease. We are now in a position to ease these restrictions and support economic recovery by taking measures to restore some services.

As more information becomes available and data on the current situation in Manitoba is analyzed, some measures may need to be reintroduced or new restrictions implemented to reduce any further spread of the virus.

Note: Visit Phase Two: Restoring Safe Services for current public health information. 

This information is available in an alternate format upon request, please contact

Consultation has concluded

Are you a Manitoba business owner with questions on Phase One of Restoring Safe Services?

Ask your question here and we'll share your question and the answer for others to see. 

Questions can also be answered privately, if they're not appropriate for sharing.   

Please Note: Use the Search bar below the Submit button to see if your question has already been answered.

  • 1. We plan to run day camps starting June 2, 2020 at our location following the day camp protocol listed under phase 1 of the plan. We understand that we are able to operate day camps as an organization but request clarification that it is alright to do so given that Recreational Camp Permits are not being issued at this time according to your previous response. 2. We have received word from directors of two other camps, through conversation with their local health inspector, are receiving either a conditional recreational camp permit or what has been described to me as a day camp permit. Could you please verify whether or not this is the case? I can find no government information on a day camp permit.

    Joel Martin asked almost 5 years ago

    Our apologies for the delay in our response; thank you for your patience. As you may know, Phase Two of Restoring Safe Services went into effect on June 1. At this time, day camps may operate with groups of up to 24. Additional guidelines for day camps can be found at:

     In addition, a draft plan of Phase Three of Restoring Safe Services has been released. Phase Three is tentatively planned to begin on June 21, 2020. The draft plan can be viewed at:  We value your thoughts; you can provide any feedback you have on the draft plan by visiting

  • I am contacting you on behalf of Crescent Fort Rouge United Church at 525 Wardlaw Avenue, Winnipeg. We are very clear that activities such as worship and arts events are not to occur at this time. However, we do have smaller rentals of groups (both church and also outside rentals) under 10 people. We want to be very clear that IF (undecided to date) we decided to open to smaller events, classes, and meetings, that this is allowed...OR is it that churches are NOT to open for anything at all. Thank you!

    Sandi Howell asked almost 5 years ago

    Our apologies for the delay in our response; thank you for your patience. As you may know, Phase Two of Restoring Safe Services went into effect on June 1. At this time, 25 persons may gather in an indoor space and 50 persons at an outdoor space; this includes places of worship. Multiple groups of 25 people can be at an indoor event under certain conditions. No joint activities or interactions should occur between the groups. They should be in separate rooms and there should be separate entrances used or at least entrance and exit times must be staggered. Additional guidelines for those hosting indoor and outdoor events can be found at:

    Religious organizations may also offer drive-in events with no limit on numbers as long as all those in attendance remain in their cars or stand to the left of their cars; ensuring a distance of two metres can be maintained and that no more than 25 people use indoor areas such as washroom facilities at a time. Additional guidelines for those hosting drive-in events can be found at:

    In addition, a draft plan of Phase Three of Restoring Safe Services has been released. Phase Three is tentatively planned to begin on June 21, 2020. The draft plan can be viewed at:  We value your thoughts; you can provide any feedback you have on the draft plan by visiting

  • For retail businesses, we understand there must be 1person/10 sq m. Does this occupancy spacing include the staff, or just patrons. Also, if members of the same household arrive and we are over occupancy based on 1person/10sq m, do some members need to wait outside?

    FSwpg asked almost 5 years ago

    Hi there. Occupancy limits are 50 per cent of normal business levels or one person per 10 square metres, whichever is lower. Occupancy applies to the number of members of the public, not staff. For example, if you would normally have 10 patrons in the building at a time, this would be restricted to 5.

    Businesses should monitor occupancy levels to allow employees, volunteers and customers to maintain a physical distance of at least two metres, except for brief exchanges.

    Additional guidelines can be found on Manitoba’s Restoring Safe Services website at link).  

  • While working at a veterinary hospital, many times it is impossible to maintain social distancing. Is it optional during those times to wear a mask (either medical or non-medical) or is it mandatory?

    Animal Doctor asked almost 5 years ago

    Nothing in the public health orders mandates that members of the public or employees of a business wear a non-medical mask. However, businesses may implement their own policies and individuals may choose to wear non-medical masks. In addition, existing industry requirements and standards still apply. 

  • Does seasonal residence include seasonal campsites in regards to out of province camping and the no self isolate rule? My seasonal is 85 km into SK. I would be travelling in and out of the province on a weekend to weekend basis.

    MadisonX asked almost 5 years ago

    Under the self-isolation order you are required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arriving in Manitoba if you do not meet the criteria for exemption to the self-isolation order. While there are exemptions related to travel to secondary residences for maintenance and other essential purposes, renting a campsite does not meet the criteria for this exemption. The self-isolation order and the list of exceptions can be viewed online:

  • Good afternoon, We are the Manitoba Soccer Association, under the umbrella of Sport Manitoba and the provincial government. We are a team sport with many clubs providing a benefit to the youth and adults in the province. They are all wishing to return to play when it is safe. We are working with our National Sport Body and other resources to finalize our Return to Play Protocols. We understand that we are to submit our Return to Play Protocols to Sport Manitoba for them to submit to the provincial health authorities for approval. Our questions are: 1. What is the timing on the approval of the Return to Play Protocols by the health authorities? 2. Will there be an official document that indicates the protocols are approved? 3. If there is no approval granted, will there be an indication of what needs to be addressed in order to have them approved? 4. As it pertains to liability, Insurance Companies have put a CONTAGION EXCLUSION on coverage. Will the provincial government take on the liability related to COVID-19 cases as it is approving the Return to Play Protocols? We thank you for your assistance in addressing our questions as over 16,000 players and parents are waiting for direction on this situation. Thank you. Hector Vergara Executive Director MSA

    Hector Vergara asked almost 5 years ago

    Hi there. Thank you for your patience. Effective May 22, players, coaches, managers, training staff and medical personnel employed by or affiliated with a professional sports team may attend at the team's facilities for the purposes of training and practising, provided that no members of the public are permitted to enter those facilities. These organized activities can resume as long as precautions are taken, such as physical distancing and enhanced cleaning of equipment and indoor spaces. 

    Each sports organization and/or facility must establish a plan for how to minimize physical contact between participants. Outdoor activities are lower risk for transmission of COVID-19 than indoor activities. The province is not reviewing and approving plans at this time. Guidance on performing a risk assessment for different sports and establishing plans will be posted online as soon as possible. Additional guidelines can be found at:

  • Our building remains closed to the public, however we have started to bring back select employees into the workplace. Are we able to have staff members from an affiliate organization access and use a specific space in our building for a specific period of time, providing that proper safety measures are in place?

    KLN asked almost 5 years ago

    Employees from your business as well as employees from an affiliate business may be on the premises of your building. In addition, starting June 1st, a range of businesses will be able to reopen to the public under certain restrictions and guidelines. Additional information can be found at: 

  • Are golf tournaments allowed this summer if kept under the 50 people participants?

    marg_fraser asked almost 5 years ago

    As of June 1st, with the exception of professional competitions, golf courses may host tournaments so long as all those in attendance and spectating can reasonably maintain a distance of two metres apart except for brief encounters. Facilities in which professional sports teams are practicing, training or competing cannot be open to the public at this time. Additional information and guidelines can be found at: : 

  • Hello, I am looking for guidelines/measures regarding the reopening of in person instruction for the Adult Education program I direct. We have 12 students and 3 instructors in the current intake. Any support or direction is most appreciated. Thank you

    AmyRW asked almost 5 years ago

    Adult education programs should follow directives from Manitoba Education and guidelines developed in concert with public health officials . Limited access to school facilities will continue to be permitted in settings where physical distancing can be maintained, including: 

    • Teachers and students may meet in small group or one-on-one settings to conduct student assessments, provide clinical supports, administer recovery and remedial learning plans and provide therapeutic services. 

    • Day camps and summer programming may operate. 

    • Scheduled students can access school Wi-Fi and/or computer equipment. 

    • Counselling access and emergency phone access may be provided for students. 

    • The use of outdoor facilities and playgrounds is encouraged. 

    Additional guidelines can be found at: 

  • Are Dental offices on schedule A or schedule B? Are we required to work at 50% capacity or only maintain 6 feet distance between patients and staff members?

    kcgooch asked almost 5 years ago

    At this time, and only at the further approval and discretion of their respective health professional regulatory bodies, regulated health professionals such as dentists, dental hygienists, chiropractors and physiotherapists, may reopen to the general public without any restrictions on occupancy levels. Clients should maintain a distance of at least two metres, except when receiving service or for brief exchanges. Additional guidelines can be found in Manitoba’s Pandemic and Economic Roadmap for Recovery.