Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy

Consultation has concluded

Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy

NEW - What We Heard

Hundreds of thousands of Manitobans and visitors enjoy the diverse and vibrant fishing opportunities our province has to offer. Recreational angling generates significant economic, social and cultural benefits.

Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy outlines proposed changes to the regulation and management of recreational angling. It strives to balance the enhancement of angling opportunities while protecting our valuable fish populations. This strategy positions Manitoba to become a leader in recreational fisheries management across North America.

We want to understand what anglers think about the proposed angling changes outlined in Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy. To learn more about Manitoba’s plans to transform recreational angling, review Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy and view this three-minute video.

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Feedback will be accepted until June 30, 2021. There are many ways you can participate:

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Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy

NEW - What We Heard

Hundreds of thousands of Manitobans and visitors enjoy the diverse and vibrant fishing opportunities our province has to offer. Recreational angling generates significant economic, social and cultural benefits.

Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy outlines proposed changes to the regulation and management of recreational angling. It strives to balance the enhancement of angling opportunities while protecting our valuable fish populations. This strategy positions Manitoba to become a leader in recreational fisheries management across North America.

We want to understand what anglers think about the proposed angling changes outlined in Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy. To learn more about Manitoba’s plans to transform recreational angling, review Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy and view this three-minute video.

Provide Your Feedback

Feedback will be accepted until June 30, 2021. There are many ways you can participate:

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Do you have any comments about Manitoba’s Recreational Angling Strategy? Share your thoughts.

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Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

If sport anglers who pay the bills get a 40% reduction in catch limit and a shorter season do the commercial operations lose 40% of the quota and a shorter season as well?

Johnnytenn about 3 years ago
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Two featues of this proposed policy will do nothing to sustain the walley population - extending the opening by 1 week and limiting catch to 4 from 6. Commercial operations account for about 90% of the catch.Their start date should be later to avoid netting fish that haven't spawned.

lake winnipeg fisher about 3 years ago
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live bait should not be banned. minnow lakes where the minnows are trapped have no zebra muscles. where is the logic. if your really concerned about zebra muscles more sterilization stations around lakes that have them are needed not just at the weigh station on the perimeter

bushmaster jr about 3 years ago
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There has to be some sort of dialogue with the treaty,to respect the the lakes in the north that are High Quality management specific,theres a reason these lakes have that regulation,respect the slot,take what you need but release the fish that are over the slot.

Tbrew about 3 years ago
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Instead of Walleye closure in end of May there should be catch and release period where none are kept. Two rods should be allowed in the summer time from a boat only.

Kevin s about 3 years ago
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I think we should get rid of live bait next year. It is obviously a huge issue transferring water to other lakes, and we need to act now.

anschoen about 3 years ago
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I think all the proposed changes are fact and research based, and have a needed place in conservation. Manitoba has amazing fisheries, one of the best in North America, and we need to be proactive in protecting them. I love the new limits, which I know you can find the research they were based on.

anschoen about 3 years ago
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I do not agree that we should reduce the walleye limits on lake winnipeg for anglers.

Winnipeg Angler SS about 3 years ago
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I say NO to extending the Manitoba fishing season closure by one week during prime time.

I say No to opening cat fishing in one breath and then shutting down the red river in the next.

I say NO to blanket coverage for the province rather than lake and water body specific regulations.

Winnipeg Angler SS about 3 years ago
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Leave Bass out of any changes , let this industry grow , bass fishing is growing as it is amazingly fun . Anglers spend thousands of dollars chasing this species supporting businesses and the industry , stop taking our privlages away , no changes needed for this species

Mgcar about 3 years ago
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Stop putting road blocks in front of anglers who spend endless monies toward the fishing industry .ones who want to pass this tradition onto others .recreational anglers are not the issue stop painting everyone with the same brush . Poor conservation policing is not anglers fault

Mgcar about 3 years ago
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Spawning walleye don’t feed, but they can be netted easily? That’s why the great fishing in spring after the spawn. Not sure why, 2 years ago open and ice almost all our fish had eggs? Last weekend, none had eggs?

Sledgod about 3 years ago
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We seine net our liveys in the morning for our fishing that day. Usually 1 quick dip and we have 30-40 minnows for the day. Release what we don’t use from the same body of water. Will this now be illegal? Ps, if your “scientists “ are reputable, they should tell you spawning fish don’t feed!

Sledgod about 3 years ago
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I also have indigenous people with a freezer in the back of a half ton coming around 3-4 x’s a year asking if I want to buy walleye? Please don’t put the problem on the sport fisherman when the lack of spending on enforcement is the issue. 1CO at each boat launch checking boats may/ June +oct.

Sledgod about 3 years ago
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I would like to tell you that I know of 2 different families that buy 1 eliscence and make 6-8 copies for uncles, brothers, freindsetc.

Sledgod about 3 years ago
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While I support protecting the breeding stock, proposed regulations to the Walleye fishery don't consider the indiscriminate harvesting of all manner of Walleye and protecting this breeding stock from net fishing is practically impossible. Recreational anglers are not the problem here.

Tobanana about 3 years ago
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The only good change is the electronic license. The guide isn't complicated and starting the season later will only affect the economy in Manitoba. If were actually worried about protecting Walleye decrease the commercial quota. Recreational anglers are not the problem. I disagree the closures.

MG13 about 3 years ago
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Regulation/closures does not create conservation... Put in place enforcement...
I vote no to the season changes in May, I vote no to the bait changes. I vote yes for limit and commercial quota changes to support conservation and the future of our fisheries.

tiredofit about 3 years ago
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I say no to the new Regulations !
We need to down size our nets and not to Commercial fish in the month of may and let the walleye spawn out Commercial fishing is 90% of the pressure on the Lake and recreation is 10 %

2175 pro about 3 years ago
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Leave it like it is don’t
Don’t ruin our tourism
All walleye over 25 to 29 go back
Leave limit as is

Art101 about 3 years ago
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